National Day of Prayer Bike Ride and Prayer Walk

May 6, 2021 @ 6:00PM — 8:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

JOIN US for a prayer bike ride or prayer walk on the National Day of Prayer. Participants have the option of doing either the Prayer Bike Ride through downtown GR or a Prayer Walk through the West Side.

National Day of Prayer Bike Ride and Prayer Walk image

Let's MOVE together while we PRAY for our city on this NDP RIDE/WALK


WHAT: On the evening of the National Day of Prayer we will gather for a prayer bike ride OR a prayer walk. The Prayer Walk (2 miles) and Prayer Bike Ride will start and finish at The Prayer Garage side yard with refreshments and time of fellowship afterward (outdoor). We will be making four stops on each route, praying for our city and nation. There is no cost to participate.

WHO: Anyone in West Michigan

WHERE: Meet at The Prayer Garage 713 5th St NW Grand Rapids, MI

WHEN: May 6th, 2021 6-8pm

WHY: To pray as the unified church in our city!

COST: This event 100% Free. THERE IS NO COST.

OTHER NOTES: Please bring your own bicycle to ride and ready to go. There will not be bicycles provided. Also, this will be an outdoor event, but we do ask that you bring a mask to wear for instances when you are within 6ft of others. Refreshments will be individually packaged and sealed.

Come ready to HAVE FUN and PRAY!

For Questions, call Suzy Parrott at 616-304-5517

To LEARN MORE about The Prayer Garage and 24-7 Prayer GR, visit